
Forecasting the flow of International Students around the world

Forecasting the flow of international students

In every way that people, firms and governments around the world act and plan, they are making implicit forecasts about the future. Our decisions rest on expectations of what the future will look like and how those decisions will play out in it.

One of the main objectives of GSF is to model and project the flow of international students based on various scenarios of factors captured in the Open Source Framework. GSF combines framework led qualitative research with modern quantitative analytics to build probabilistic scenario-led forecasts for each of of the thousands of discrete student flows to build a comprehensive picture of the global market.

US Deep Dive. 2030 Forecast

Replay the May 22, 2023 webinar sharing data and insights from the US Deep Dive and 2030 Forecast. The session walks through the open source framework and dives into a broad array of analysis on the current state and projected flows of global student flows in Higher Education to the United States.